Travelling with a Toddler

A number of years ago I wrote a blog post on traveling with a non mobile baby. In it I promise a follow up post on traveling with a toddler.  Well 1 pandemic and 1 new toddler later I am finally ready to deliver. Here are some of my favorite tips for traveling with toddlers. 

Prepare your toddler Unlike a baby you can prepare your toddler (especially older ones) for what the plane will be like. There are some great books that outline everything from checking in to touching down and you can always let them know what will happen. Even if you are nervous (as an anxious traveler I get this) try to stay at least outwardly positive and excited about the upcoming experience. 

Stickers Seriously stickers. Especially for the 18 month and up crowd, bring all the stickers. I recommend bringing a mix of reusable stickers (which are great but you have to keep track of them) and some fun new ones that you don’t have to worry about getting left behind or thrown out. These are my favorite reusable stickers, I find they are a better size and quality then some other popular brands. Washi Tape and Post-its are also great fun! Basically anything that can stick and be removed. 

Some favorite toys. The good news at this age is that kids' toys don’t have to be too big to be both age appropriate and exciting. Some favorite travel toys are

  • Montessori Busy Board  I like this one because it doesn’t have any detachable pieces. These are great for kids as young as 9 months to just play with and older toddlers will be able to start manipulating the buttons and zippers. 

  • Toy cars and airplanes

  • Water coloring books Endless coloring!  Just don’t lose the brush (I learned that lesson the hard way!) 

  • Pipe cleaners and pom-poms make for endless fun.

  • Non rounded crayons (don’t forget paper!) means that crayons won’t slide away

Wrap up the toys Basically with everything you bring on the plane you want it to consume your toddler’s short attention span as long as possible. Turning toys into “presents” means kiddos will take the time to unwrap them and also it will feel like something new! Even if it isn’t a new toy! 

Lots of Books too I usually squirrel away a few of the toddler’s favorite books a few days before we travel so I know they will be exciting to see again. Just like at home, be prepared to read the same story a number of times. Over the years I’ve also amassed a number of tiny books that are perfect for travel.

Bring all of the snacks.  Seriously. More than you think your kids will need.  The absolute best are snacks that are consumed slowly, i.e. one at a time. Think cheerios, raisins, blueberries.  Always keeping choking concerns in mind and preparing for appropriate age.  Even better is to have something that can store multiple snacks. It turns snacking into a fun time consuming activity. I recently discovered these snack wheels before an epic trip to Morocco and we now have one for each kiddo and they come on all of our journeys. 

Bring all the liquids Always check with local regulations but most airports allow unlimited fluids up to age 3. That means you can bring lots of water, juice, pouches etc on the plane. This is great for their ears during  take off and landing if your little one is no longer nursing or in their own seat.  

Bring extra clothes and diapers.  Even if they are potty trained! We personally had special “airplane underpants” (ie pullup diapers) for our potty trained 2-year old till he was about 2.5.  And an extra shirt for yourself too! 

Stay cool about sleep There is no great way to handle sleep on a plane with a toddler. If you can book flights around nap schedules that's ideal, but as someone who has a family 8-12 hours away I know this isn’t always possible. Not to mention flights often get delayed! If your toddler will sleep in a car seat and you can bring one for their own seat that is ideal. Walking with them in a baby carrier may work, it did with my first child  and not at all with my second! And accepting that you may just have a crummy napless day may be the best (if crankiest) option of all.  

Screen Time  Even if you are screen free, in my opinion screen time was made for planes. Personally I am an anxious flyer and I wouldn’t get on a plane myself without a movie or juicy book. Distraction is the only thing that works for me on a plane. I don’t know why I would expect my child to do anything different. Don’t expect too much of screens at this age, especially for kids under 2 this probably won’t buy you more than 10 or 15 minutes respite. But that can be all you need to take a break! Don’t forget to download whatever you want to show them before you head to the airport!

You never have to see these people again. This remains my favorite bit of travel advice! That doesn’t mean let your kids run wild, but despite all the stories we see, kids are still allowed to be kids, even on airplanes.  Keep them occupied and comfortable for their sake and your own sanity, but if someone else has a problem with your children existing, try to remember that is their problem, not yours! 

Above all, know the flight won’t be forever and you are training amazing future travelers.  Bon Voyage!

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, but only share recommendations for items I truly believe in.