No Matter when or how you gave birth and what the outcome of the experience was it is possible to experience and carry trauma with you.

Society assumes birth will be a joyful occasion, and often it is. But for many the experience of giving birth can be extremely traumatic. Whether this was due to treatment by health providers, a frightening health situation, an unexpected outcome or any other reason it is important to know THIS TRAUMA IS REAL.

Mind Body work has been found again and again to be beneficial to the treatment of trauma. Yoga Therapy uses evidence based practices to modify the mind and body’s response to traumatic stimulus and memories. While trauma is held in the body we work to lessen that hold.

This work is appropriate for all stages of life, whether your birth trauma was recent or not, and whether or not you plan on giving birth again.

Currently this work is offered individually. In person group workshops are planned for Winter 2023.